Celebrating Bilingualism

Children who are exposed to multiple languages experience many long term benefits such as increased mental flexibility, better focus, and greater problem solving skills. While bilingual children may have a language delay, it is not caused by bilingualism. Learning a second language does not cause confusion or a language delay.

Here at CMP, we know the value of learning multiple languages. We are proud to offer our students the opportunity to learn Spanish in our Spanish Immersion program. This program is available to potty trained 3 and 4 year olds.

We also recognize the number of children who come to us already speaking a language other than English. We have a variety of languages spoken here at CMP such as Mandarin, Korean, Spanish, and Farsi.

It is important for language development for parents to continue to speak their native language at home. Parents who speak in their native language expose their children to more vocabulary and overall language. Children will have plenty of opportunities to learn English at school and out in the world. Speaking to them in their native language will help them retain that language as they learn English.

celebrating bilingual
Valentina at cmp preschool

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