Music and Art

Room 11 is just finishing up a week long unit focusing on music.  During this unit we have listened to all genres of music including orchestra music, classical music, jazz music, rock music, opera music and pop music (big Taylor Swift fans in Room 11 😉).
To show how different types of music can influence they way we create, we took out our tempura paints, qued up different types of music on YouTube and created big murals together.
To start we discussed 4 different terms:
      ⁃     Fortissimo
      ⁃     Pianissimo
      ⁃     Allegro
      ⁃     Adagio
Each of these terms are used to described the way in which music is played.  fortissimo means play LOUD, pianissimo means play SOFT, allegro means play FAST, and Adagio means play SLOW.
The kiddos were broken into pairs of 3.  Each group painted to different pieces of classical music.
Fortissimo (Beethoven’s Symphony 5): In this painting I observed the kiddos using small plops of color to simulate the sound of the piano beat.  They covered the entire paper!

Pianissimo (Debussy’s Claire De Lune) :  This group used very careful and intentional brush strokes for their painting.  The softness of the piano allowed the kiddos to concentrate and create very specific paintings.


Allegro (Rimsky- Korsikov’s Flight of the Bumblebee): In this painting, the kiddos listened to how fast the music was playing and then created using large and hard brush strokes.  This painting looked more abstract.


Adagio (Adagio in G Minor): In this group, the kiddos listened to and relaxed to the music.  They created with lazy and peaceful brush strokes on their paper.


Each of the murals the kiddos painted looked extremely different.  It was interesting to see how the music influenced each of their painting styles and creativity.

all preschool paintings

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