Penguin Art

Carmel Mountain Penguin Art


  • Black, orange, and white construction paper
  • Glue
  • Googley eyes
  • Water colors
  • Pencils
  • Scissors

Carmel Mountain Penguin Art

1. Have children use watercolor paints to completely cover a white piece of construction paper as the background. We used permanent markers to write our names so they didn’t run with the watercolors.

Carmel Mountain Penguin Art

2. On a half sheet of white construction paper, have children draw a large uppercase U. Cut it out and glue to a sheet of black construction paper.

Carmel Mountain Penguin Art

Carmel Mountain Penguin Art

3. Around the white U/belly shape, draw another U on the black paper. Cut this out and glue to watercolored background.

Carmel Mountain Penguin Art

4. Draw 3 triangles on orange construction paper. Cut out and use for beak and feet.

Carmel Mountain Penguin Art

Carmel Mountain Penguin Art

5. Fold scrap from black construction paper and have child draw a half circle/rainbow shape, starting and ending at the edge of the paper. Cut this out and use for the wings.

Carmel Mountain Penguin Art

Carmel Mountain Penguin Art

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